Serial Helper
Reading and Writing a Serial Port from the Command Line
Projekt gestartet am 18.02.2012.Zuletzt aktualisiert am 28.02.2012.
SerialHelper ist ein Cross Plattform (Windows, Unix Systeme) Kommandozeilen Programm welches den Zugriff auf serielle Ports ermöglicht. Ausserdem können vorhandene serielle Ports aufgelistet werden.
Download aktuellster Sourcecode
Windows Binary (Version 0.5) (55 KiB)
SerialHelper for Unix version 0.5 This utility allows you to send or recieve data to and from a serial port. You can also get a list of available serial ports. It is meant to be used as a tool to allow programs written in other languages access to serial ports. Getting a list of serial ports: serialHelperUnix -s [SearchTerm] Default Search Term: "tty" or "tty." on a Mac Sending data to a serial port: serialHelperUnix -t "serial port" "Data to send..." serialHelperUnix -tf "serial port" /file/to/send Recieving data from a serial port: serialHelperUnix -r "serial port" length Terminal Mode (send stdin and recieve to stdout): serialHelperUnix -rw port